TECH/TYPE - Typefaces for Technology Video Terminal Screen Version 3.1 - 1/20/93 Copyright (c) 1991-1993 E A BEHL PostScript Type 1 and TrueType Typeface A Pixel-based, Fixed-pitch, PC-8 character set, Computer Screen Typeface. Introduction ------------ Video Terminal Screen (VTS) resembles screen characters of a data terminal or text on an EGA/VGA monitor of a personal computer. Video Terminal Screen is designed for use as a text font for technical documents such as software programming manuals. The character set is fixed-pitch, so that text captured from an actual data session can be imported directly into a document with minimal touch up. The Video Terminal Screen typeface family consists of three font files which make available all 253 characters of the PC-8 character set used by IBM-PC and compatible personal computers. (There are no characters associated with ASCII 00, 32, or 255). The base (or roman) font file contains all 253 characters, although standard encoding of PostScript Type 1 and TrueType font files do not allow convenient access to all characters. To make access to the full character set more convenient, two other files are available, a Low Characters file (with the italic font file attribute) and a Box Characters file (with the boldface font file attribute). The Low Characters file contains the lower 31 characters remapped upward by 64 character positions and the Greek and math characters remapped down by 128 character positions. The Box Characters file contains the box characters remapped down 128 character positions. Typical of fixed-pitch fonts, Video Terminal Screen has a low aspect ratio, producing a somewhat short and "squatty" appearance. The character set is based on the "standard" 8x16 pixel character set of EGA/VGA card character generators. For the sake of simplicity and memory consumption, each character is an outline of the EGA/VGA pixel pattern. Each pixel is a simple square. Character spacing is provided primarily by virtue of the characters using only the first seven columns of pixels, ensuring that adjacent text characters are separated by at least one pixel width. In this way, when box and graphic characters (which use all eight pixel columns) appear adjacent to each other, they meet to form continuous lines. Using the VTS Family -------------------- The Video Terminal Screen typeface family is designed to conveniently provide full access to the entire IBM-PC character set. Using only the base font file in Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, almost all characters in the set from ASCII 33 through ASCII 254 are available, using Alt key combinations for characters above ASCII 127. Due to limitations in the Windows implementation of the ANSI standard character set, a few characters are not available. This is not a fault of the font, but a quirk in the way Windows uses some of the ANSI characters. This limitation should not pose a problem for most applications. However, if the more obscure characters are needed out of the set, either or both of the additional font files may be necessary. The 31 symbol characters from ASCII 01 to 31 in the IBM-PC correspond to the ASCII characters Control-A through Control-_. The Low Characters file contains these characters, shifted up 64 positions. For instance, the open smily face character, which corresponds to Control-A in the IBM-PC, may be printed by typing an upper case A in Video Terminal Screen, then switching the character to italic. The Low Characters file also contains the Greek/math symbols from ASCII 224 through 254, shifted down 128 positions, so that typing a grave accent (the key with the tilde) in italic produces the Greek alpha symbol. For convenience, the 48 box and geometric characters from ASCII 176 through 223, which appear in their normal positions in the base font file, also are contained in the Box Characters file shifted down by 128 positions. This allows typing the characters from 0 (zero) to the underscore character, then switching to boldface, to produce the box characters without using Alt key combinations. This may be useful when Alt key combinations are not allowed, or in non-Windows applications. For tips on capturing DOS screens using the Windows Clipboard and importing them into Windows applications, see the accompanying File VTSNOTES.TXT. Other TECH/TYPE Typefaces Available from E A BEHL ------------------------------------------------- Since its re-release in November 1992, VTS has become extremely popular in the technical documentation industry for documenting DOS screens. We are proud to announce the recent release of a white-on-black companion typeface to VTS -- Reverse Video. Reverse Video has all 253 PC-8 characters and comes in 3 files just as VTS does. With Reverse Video, you can now highlight text in the DOS screen capture and print it as reverse video characters. There has been some interest in a "bold" version of VTS -- but VTS is fairly dark as it is. As an alternative, we have been developing Video Lite -- a "light" variation of VTS, which will allow the distinction between normal and high intensity characters in print. Alphanumeric is another pixel-based fixed-pitch typeface that resembles the 5 by 8 pixel characters of liquid crystal displays (LCD's) and dot matrix printers. Alphanumeric contains all 96 standard ASCII characters, many international characters arranged in their PC-8 positions, Greek and math symbols, and several graphic characters. Dialtone is a key caps typeface for pushbutton telephones. A great typeface for printing telephone dialing instructions with a graphic touch, Dialtone contains the full 12 button dial keys, with number keys in both Metropolitan (letters and numbers) and International (numbers only) styles, the star and pound keys, and the A, B, C, and D keys for military and special purpose dials. Seven Segment (still under development) is a typeface containing numerals and symbols made up of seven bars (or segments) arranged in a figure 8 pattern, common in digital alarm clocks and appliances. Numerals with a right decimal point are in the shift-number positions. Seven Segment also includes a limited set of alpha characters including the A, b, c, C, d, E, F, G, h, H, J, L, n, o, P, r, u, U, y, and the Greek Mu (micro) symbol. Punctuation includes the hyphen (dash), underscore, and equal sign. Also in the planning stages are: * A higher resolution equivalent to the VTS family, offering DOS screen captures with greater readability. * A sixteen-segment alpha and numeral typeface, along the same line as Seven Segment but with more alpha characters. For information, sample sheets, pricing/availability, contact us at the numbers below. To place an order, print the accompanying file ORDERFRM.TXT, fill in the requested information, and mail it to our address below. License to Use -------------- Video Terminal Screen, in all its variations, and any derivative works, are copyrighted software. The base font (Video Terminal Screen - Regular) is Shareware software, it is not released to the Public Domain. This software consists of the following files. PostScript Type 1 version: VTS .TXT Text information and instructions file VTSNOTES.TXT Application Tips for using VTS in Windows ORDERFRM.TXT Convenient Order Form for VTS and other fonts VTSR____.AFM 253 character set Adobe ASCII Font Metric file VTSR____.INF 253 character set Font Information file VTSR____.PFB 253 character set Font Outline file VTSR____.PFM 253 character set Windows Binary Font Metric file TrueType (MS-DOS) version: VTS .TXT Text information and instructions file VTSNOTES.TXT Application Tips for using VTS in Windows ORDERFRM.TXT Convenient Order Form for VTS and other fonts VTS_____.TTF 253 character set TrueType Font file This software may be copied and distributed, provided that: * All files listed above are distributed together. * This file (VTS.TXT) must remain unmodified. * Credit is given to E A BEHL for any derivative works. * Commercial Share-Ware distributors must obtain written permission from E A BEHL, and pay a $20.00 duplication fee; if any charge whatsoever, including duplication, media, etc., is imposed for its distribution. Individuals are granted temporary license to use the font software for non- commercial, evaluation purposes only. This license allows the trial use of the font in non-commercial (not-for-profit) applications, for no more than thirty (30) days. To use this font in any form for commercial profit, THE FONT MUST BE LICENSED by the user. If you find this font of value, you may obtain a license for its continual use, for a nominal, one-time fee of $10.00 U.S. Each license grants permission to install Video Terminal Screen on up to two low resolution printers (600dpi or lower) and/or one high resolution printer (above 600dpi.) Registered licensees also receive the Low Characters and Box Characters extended character files, and character mapping tables for each font file. To obtain the extended character files, installation and application instructions, character mapping tables, and a license certificate; send $10.00 check or money order (U.S. funds only, please) to: E A BEHL 2663 Red Oak Court Clearwater, Florida U.S.A. 34621-2319 Tel: (813) 789-3550 Fax: (813) 787-9414 CIS: 70413,1073 Warranty -------- This software is licensed as is, with no warranty of any kind, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes all risk arising from the use of this software. In no event shall E A BEHL, its employees, principals, or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential losses caused by the use of this software. Copyrights and Trademarks ------------------------- Video Terminal Screen Copyright (c) 1991-1992, E A BEHL - Clearwater FL USA. All rights reserved. TECH/TYPE is a trademark of E A BEHL. Any trade names referenced herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, and are included only for reference purposes. End